This page provides an overview of the hardware and software of our RobX robot and presents the scientific achievements embodied in our AUTCup Service Delivery Robot entry. This robot has been built by the team SUT which competes on behalf of Sharif University of Technology. RobX was the champion of 2012 AUTCup and 4th National Khwarizmi Robotic Competition. It defines a Human Robot Interaction interface based on Speech, Face, Object and Gesture Recognition.
RobX was the champion of 2012 AUTCup and 4th National Khwarizmi Robotic Competition
Service robots are hardware and software systems that can assist humans to perform daily tasks in complex environments. To achieve this, a service robot has to be capable of understanding commands from humans, avoiding static and dynamic obstacles while navigating in known and unknown environments, recognizing and manipulating objects and performing other several tasks that the human beings ask for

The body of our robot is made from wood, to be environmental friendly and also to decrease the costs. The base of it is in the shape of a polygon with 60cm diameter. It weighs 10kg and the design is so that it has three major sections, each devoted to a part of robot; the first one for the mechanical part including motors and batteries, second for the processing unit and third is for sensing and manip- ulation. The height of each section is designed so that it bares the weight of the upper sections perfectly. The vision system is placed at a height of about 60cm to have a perfect view to ground for Arrow Following application, a perfect view to standard table size for Recognition and Object Manipulation and an upper view for human robot interaction including face and gesture recognition. RobX has four wheels, two of which are connected to motors. There is a 24v motor fully equipped with encoders and a 49:1 reduction gearbox. It has a maximum speed of 100-rpm. It is ideal for medium to large robotic applications, providing cost effective drive and feedback for the user. It also includes a standard noise suppression capacitor across the motor windings. The wheels have a diameter of 12.5cm.The motors are controlled by a closed loop system using the feedback received through the driver. This provides a very high odometer accuracy helping the navigation system. The main processing unit of the robot is a windows-based laptop with 2.8 GHz Intel Core-i7 processor. The network-based architecture of the software allows the remote access to the main processor which enables us to do distribute computing. The vision and sensory system of the robot is supported by Microsoft Kinect which enables us to access depth data of the surroundings and eliminates the need to use an external laser scanner.